Have you been “born of the Spirit”?

Because of the bad rap on the term “born again”, I prefer to speak about being “born of the Spirit”.

Both of these terms Jesus used when speaking to Nicodemus in John the 3rd chapter. “That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is “born of the spirit” is spirit” (vs.6)
“:so is every one that is born of the Spirit” (vs.8)

Sometimes when sharing The Gospel, I will start off and say, “Have you been born of the Spirit?”. Most of the time they will reply, “What do you mean?” BOOM! The door has swung wide open for me to share with them The Gospel.
I have found that especially the young people get intrigued by anything “spiritual”. We know that Satan is having a full-blown party with the “spiritual”. Satan knows that we were created as spiritual beings. Then what else would he use to reach our young people today? Unfortunately, many are falling to his “spiritual” junk (to put it mildly).

I say, “In Jesus name, God’s Spirit is “mighty through the pulling down of strongholds.” GREATER IS THE SPIRIT OF GOD!”

Even though the unregenerate cannot understand the things of the Spirit, don’t underestimate or miss the opportunity of using the words “born of the Spirit” of God to get their attention. Then proceed with sharing The Gospel of Jesus Christ.

May God bless you as you go!

5 Responses to “Have you been “born of the Spirit”?”

  1. Cheetah Says:

    You’ve hit the nail on the head. It’s verse 7 of John 3 that is missed by so many. Strongs indicates that the word “again” is translated from the Greek “anothen” which means “from above, from a higher place, or things which come from heaven or God.” It’s the same word that is translated “from above” in John 3:31, John 19:11 and James 3:17.
    In the context of what Jesus is telling Nicodemus, it really makes more sense that way.

  2. Johnny Says:

    I’m going to re-read this post…and will have something to say…but …
    for now… (and I know this may be a bit rude, but…)


  3. Johnny Says:

    Very nice.

    Many folks hear the wind and see the trees swaying to and fro…but they have no idea where it comes from nor where it is going.

    The works of the Spirit are visible to all but the ‘workings’ of the Spirit cannot be comprehended by the ‘earthly’.

    Praise the Lord for His Life giving Spirit!

  4. rjperalta Says:

    Amen. Born from above is good also. I like the “born of the Spirit” because it says talks about “Spirit”

    Be blessed,

  5. rjperalta Says:

    I checked out the MEME thing. I will try after I give it some thought.
    Thanks for your comment, it’s true.

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